$160.00 USD

Add The Vagal Toning Program (Optional Add-On)


The vagus nerve is the main nerve responsible for helping your body to return to a state of balance (Breit et al., 2018). This is why if your vagus nerve is weak, it is harder for you to regulate your emotions (Breit et al., 2018; Porges et al., 1994). Thankfully, there is a way to increase the tone of the vagus nerve to heal trauma. This is why we’ve created a 7-day program offering practical 10-minute vagal toning techniques. While this program is normally offered for $240 on our website, you can get lifetime access for $120 on this page only by checking the box below.

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Introduction To Trauma Therapy

10-minute, expert-guided trauma healing exercises to relieve the effects of trauma

  • 12 trauma healing exercises from over 8 body-based therapies
  • The latest research on trauma
  • Private and supportive community
  • Keep access to the program
  • Ongoing communication and support
  • Start anytime and learn at your own pace
  • 72 hour refund policy 
  • 30 day program exchange policy



Meaningful Feedback

I joined because I was interested in supporting my current clients with new techniques and approaches. I've honestly been blown by how generous Rewire is with the training, theory modules, and practical exercises that we receive at such an affordable price

Kristin Lindell, Therapist

I’ve been an Exercise Physiologist for 27 years I attained numerous degrees in the field of health and wellness, but this is the first one that has dove this deeply into the connection of both the body and mind. I am now better equipped as a fitness professional to work with others who need to also be shown how to slow down and that being fully present is possible and enough

Kary Ott, ACSM Exercise Physiologist and Group Instructor

Thank you so much for creating and sharing such a helpful and inspiring program and for making it affordable as well

Tracie Jones, Survivor