$1,200.00 USD

Every year

7 day trial
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Would you like to support a trauma survivor in need? 

We invite you to consider making a $5 donation to The Callisto Project, an organization dedicated to providing support and resources to survivors of sexual assault, harassment, and abuse.

We understand that everyone's healing journey is unique, and that's why we're committed to providing trauma-informed care and support to survivors. Your donation can make a meaningful difference in the life of a survivor helping to ensure that survivors receive the compassionate, caring, and evidence-based support they need to heal and move forward in their lives. Your contribution will help to ensure that survivors have the resources they need to navigate the challenges of healing from trauma.

Thank you for considering a donation to The Callisto Project, and for being a part of our community of supporters. 

Trauma Therapy Provider

Everything you get when you sign up today:

  • ​​16+ cutting-edge trauma treatment programs
  • 100+ expert-guided trauma release therapies
  • Learn to integrate 8+ trauma healing modalities
  • Provide up to 5 clients free access to the Trauma Therapy Program valued at $2880
  • Access to all the programs included in the Rewire Therapy Provider
  • New programs and therapies added regularly
  • Private supportive community 
  • Ongoing communication and support
  • Start anytime and learn at your own pace
  • Cancel anytime, commitment-free 

What People Are Saying:

One of the greatest things I have noticed is that Rewire Trauma Therapy responds to every comment, either on Facebook, Instagram or through their programs… this makes me feel seen and heard… creates a beautiful space to heal in

Carrie Butler, Survivor

I’ve been an Exercise Physiologist for 27 years I attained numerous degrees in the field of health and wellness, but this is the first one that has dove this deeply into the connection of both the body and mind. I am now better equipped as a fitness professional to work with others who need to also be shown how to slow down and that being fully present is possible and enough

Kary Ott, ACSM Exercise Physiologist and Group Instructor

I joined because I was interested in supporting my current clients with new techniques and approaches. I've honestly been blown by how generous Rewire is with the training, theory modules, and practical exercises that we receive at such an affordable price

Kristin Lindell, Therapist